Welcome to my page
Who ?
I am an applied economist working on the design and evaluation of public policies to reduce inequalities and poverty in France. I did my PhD in Economics at Paris School of Economics (EHESS) from 2019 to 2024 at the National family allowance fund (Cnaf).
What ?
I combine field experiments and microeconometrics to study the effects of active labour market policies for single mothers and how administrative support and information can improve access to early childcare services. I also use market design and implement fair assignment mechanisms for daycare seats in French municipalities.
Where ?
I am currently working as project manager in the Research Evaluation and Statistics department (DSER) of the French National family allowance fund (Cnaf).
Why ?
”Many of us chose economics because, ultimately, we thought science could be leveraged to make a positive change in the world. There are many different paths to get there. Scientists design general frames, engineers turn them into relevant machinery, and plumbers finally make them work in a complicated, messy policy environment. […] A feature unique to economics is that scientists, engineers, and plumbers all talk to each other (and in fact are often talking to themselves — the same economist wearing different hats)” Duflo (2017)
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